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What are the different reasons for toothache ?

Toothache is a common and often agonising experience that many people go through at some point in their lives. The causes of toothache can be varied and range from harmless sensitivity to serious oral conditions. Here are some of the most common causes of toothache:

1.decay: decay is probably one of the most common causes of toothache. This process begins when bacteria colonise the tooth surface and produce acids that attack the enamel. This softens the enamel and creates the colloquially known cavities known as caries. Untreated caries can penetrate deeper into the tooth and reach the tooth nerve. This can then lead to intense pain.

2. inflammation of the gums: Inflammation of the gums such as gingivitis and periodontitis can also cause severe toothache. They are often triggered by a build-up of plaque that irritates the gums and leads to swelling, redness and bleeding. Without treatment, these inflammations can progress and damage the surrounding tissue and jawbone

3. tooth enamel degradation and sensitivity: The degradation of tooth enamel caused by acidic foods, excessive brushing or certain toothpastes can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. This can cause pain, especially with cold, hot or sweet foods and drinks.

4. dental injuries: An accident or injury can result in a broken tooth, a damaged filling or a knocked out tooth. This is known as dental trauma. These injuries can lead to bleeding, swelling, expose the tooth or damage the dental nerve. This can lead to acute and severe toothache. In the event of a tooth injury, it is particularly important to consult a dentist immediately. With early treatment, it is sometimes possible to prevent or minimise lasting damage.

5 tooth abscesses: A dead tooth can subsequently cause an inflammation. This inflammation often goes unnoticed for a long time. It can then turn into a chewing phase at any time. This causes severe toothache or even a purulent inflammation, and if this accumulation of pus becomes encapsulated in the tissue, we speak of an abscess. This can often cause severe and persistent pain and requires immediate dental treatment.

6. impacted teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth pressing against neighbouring teeth, can also cause toothache. This usually occurs when there is not enough space in the jaw for the teeth. This is usually a dull pain that is not too intense. Removal of the wisdom teeth is the treatment of choice.
The intensity and type of toothache can vary depending on the cause. Some pains are dull and persistent, others can be described as sharp and throbbing. Sometimes the pain can spread to neighbouring areas of the head, such as the ears or jaw. It is important to note that untreated toothache not only causes immediate discomfort, but can also lead to serious complications, including tooth loss, infection and even effects on general health.

Recommendation from the dentist: 1x annual check-up and 1-2 x annual oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is recommended to prevent toothache. Regular brushing and flossing help to remove plaque and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, regular dental check-ups are crucial to detect and treat problems early before they lead to pain.
What helps quickly with toothache?

Various measures can be taken to relieve acute toothache. In most cases, a common painkiller helps, sometimes you can benefit from taking additional antibiotics. However, this should always be done at least in consultation with a dentist. However, if the pain is persistent or severe, a dentist should always be consulted to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment.
Ultimately, the health of our teeth is of great importance, not only for our well-being but also for our general health. By taking care of your oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups, you can help prevent toothache and keep your teeth healthy.