Dental implants

General Information


A dental implant is the highest quality replacement for your own tooth. This is an artificial tooth root made of titanium, which connects to the bone.

There are different areas of application: The provision of single tooth gaps, as well as treatment in the absence of all or several teeth next to each other.

With today's possibilities of dental implantology, reliable and long-term results can be achieved.

Even the procedure itself is more gentle than extracting the affected tooth for most patients.

In our experience, hardly any pain is to be expected after the operation, so that taking a painkiller once is often sufficient.

It has also been shown that there are almost no more groups of people who are considered completely unsuitable for dental implants.

Felix Wick Dental Implants

Implants are in most cases well possible in smokers and diabetics.
However, we would like to point out that a well-controlled blood sugar and reduction of smoking are in any case advantageous for operations and treatments in the mouth.


Is the procedure painful?
No, most patients find the placement of an implant painless. Usually, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, i.e. without anesthesia. You only feel the injection and a slight pulling sensation during the procedure.

Can I drive myself home after the procedure?
No, as is generally the case with dental treatments under local anesthesia, independent driving on the road immediately after treatment is strongly discouraged. The Zieglergasse subway station and a cab stand are located directly in front of our office. For patients with a further journey home it is recommended to organize someone for the return journey.

When can I get back to work?
In principle, the next day for physically non-strenuous work. Some patients also return to work directly after implantation. However, this varies greatly in individual cases.

When can I start exercising again?
We recommend waiting for the immediate postoperative phase. Mostly everything is possible again after the suture removal. Suture removal takes place between 7 and 10 days after surgery.

I smoke - will implants still work for me?
In principle, yes. However, depending on the strength of the smoking, there is an increased risk of inflammation. The long-term survival of dental implants in the mouth may also be reduced... Ideally, you should reduce your smoking before and after the procedure.

Will I need to leave the practice without a tooth?
No, you will never have a gap in your teeth in the visible area. At the end of each treatment, you will be provided with a temporary restoration.

When will the entire treatment be done?
After implant placement, the implant must fuse with the bone. This process takes at least 2 months. In the case of simultaneous bone augmentation, even more time must be allowed for this process.

1. Healing phase
This period is bridged with temporaries, which can be implant-supported or supported on the neighboring teeth. It is also possible to use existing dentures as temporaries and connect them to the implants.

Usually it takes 2-9 months for the implants to heal, after which the final restoration is made. 

2. Prosthetic restoration
If we perform implant treatment for a referring colleague, the final prosthetic restoration, i.e. crown, bridge or implant-supported prosthesis, is completed in the referring dentist's office. If necessary, we will fabricate a temporary denture for you.


Dr. Felix Wick in his Clinic